Meet the Dream Team
Mere words can never express the amazing level of commitment and 25/8 work ethic it takes to be a recovery care provider. You are on call every minute of every day. Supporting clients and families through one of the most difficult experiences this lifetime can deal someone is no easy task. This is an amazing team of committed and talented individuals that truly make miracles happen.

David East
Executive Director
David is the Executive Director and new owner of The Arches Recovery Services. He is committed to providing the highest level of care and individualized support to the client and their families as they navigate the various challenges of recovery and transition back into productive living. David is heavily involved in the recovery community both locally and nationally and has a deep passion for the recovery lifestyle and for helping others.

Kody East
Kody is the Co-Director and new co-owner of The Arches Recovery Services. She provides a level of compassion and kindheartedness to what we do here at the Arches that is unparalleled. She has a deep-rooted passion for helping others in recovery which shows through in everything she does. In her off time she also operates a non-profit called Fades for Faith which provides haircuts, grooming services, and scholarships to barber school for men in early recovery.

Marcus Britt
Men's Program Director
Marcus provides a level of care and passion for recovery that only comes from an individual who's own life was changed dramatically through recovery. His experience, strength and hope are delivered daily through his role as a supporting staff member in the community. He provides a wide range of activity coordination and group dynamics that are vital to building a solid community of recovery within The Arches

Angelica Rose Amrozowicz
Women's Program Coordinator
Angelica is a dynamic individual with an extensive background in client care support with an acute attention to detail. Her energy and passion for helping others grow and recreate their lives through recovery is infectious and a true asset to the recovering community and us here at The Arches.