Addiction Recovery Explained & Simplified – What Many Providers Do Not Want You To Know
The world of Recovery and all of the components of care is confusing and challenging. Finding someone to give you a straight answer in this sea of ever growing providers is impossible.
I am writing this series of posts to offer some assistance in this area. You can follow the links to the posts that discuss the various components to recovery care.
- Detox
- Inpatient Treatment
- Partial Hospital Program (PHP)
- Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
- Outpatient Program (OP)
- Sober Living / Transitional Living
Here is one fact you probably already know if you have sifted through a few websites in your search for answers.
They all say the same thing.
Here are just a few examples of treatment centers around the state of Georgia. These examples where just copied and pasted from their websites.
Residential Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Center
We provide compassionate, expert care, meeting men and women wherever they may be in their recovery process from addiction. Our intimate setting allows us to provide tailored, focused treatment with individual, small group, and family-inclusive treatment. Our goal is to work with our residents to teach them the skills needed for sustaining long-term recovery.

Our Goal Is To Help Restore Individuals To A Healthier, Happier And More Productive Life
Our mission is to equip individuals with the tools they need to build their own lives in recovery.
We specialize in treating addiction and mental health issues in the same setting, and our fully integrated services are designed to meet the specific needs of each individual. We believe that every person has the ability to change and heal, and we meet patients where they are with an attitude of acceptance and nonjudgment.
How are you suppose to choose or know which one is the right fit for you.
When you start looking for Sober Living Programs it becomes even more difficult because there are so many and there is no regulation. It’s like the Wild West. Anybody can open a Sober Living Program. It doesn’t matter if the owners or staff are sober or not or whether there is any structure.
The one governing association for sober living programs in the state of Georgia is called GARR (Georgia Association for Recovery Residences) but it is not mandatory for programs to be a member of the Association.
In the past treatment centers would only refer clients to established sober living programs that were GARR approved. Today some treatment centers refer to many programs that are not GARR approved but who have the lowest price or are closest to their IOP/PHP program because they need housing for their clients when they step them down from In-Patient treatment. Other times they refer based on referral partners. If there is a program that has referred clients to them they need to return the favor so regardless as to whether the facility is the best fit for the client there are times when the referral is made based on balancing the referral books.
So how do you sift through all of this? It can be overwhelming. You are in a state of crisis and urgency and now you have to sort through all of these programs and treatment centers and figure out if insurance works or how much is it going to cost and who is going to provide the care to help you or your loved one recover, get better, LIVE. It’s Life or Death.
As most things in life – being informed and doing your homework is the best strategy.
This series of posts is meant to help you do just that. To educate you and inform you of the various components and how they all fit together.
If you want to shorten the reading curve you can call me. I have been in the treatment industry and owner/founder of The Arches since 2008. Please, feel free to call, even if you are not considering sober living or The Arches. We are happy to answer any questions and help you get to the resources to help you or your loved one get the help they need. Call 404-991-3575